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Campus Anti-Semitism: The Year in Review

, Ken Marcus

Editor’s Note: The following post was published by the Louis B. Brandeis Center in their email newsletter. This has been an extraordinarily eventful year in the campaign against campus antisemitism, especially from our perspective at…

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New Year’s at the MLA

, Malcolm A. Kline

While you’re getting started on your New Year’s resolutions, we’re knocking one off of our own bucket list: We’ll be kicking off 2017 with our friends at the Modern Language Association (MLA) at their annual…

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The CIA-Media-Academia Axis

, Cliff Kincaid

As controversy swirled around President-elect Donald J. Trump’s battle with the CIA concerning its questionable intelligence product on Russian hacking, a strong defense of the agency and an attack on Trump came from Joshua Rovner…

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Feeding the Academic Bea$t

, Malcolm A. Kline

A university think tank just published a list of recommendations for paying for college. Perhaps not too surprisingly, they mostly involve increasing taxpayer-funded government subsidies of higher education. To its credit, the Miller Center at…

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Delusions of Education Grandeur

, Malcolm A. Kline

Some public officials leave office as far behind the knowledge curve as when they entered it. “One recent analysis found that 95 percent of the jobs created since 2008 required some postsecondary education or training,”…

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Sanctuary Campuses that Enable

, Malcolm A. Kline

While the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) made an attempt at an even-handed approach to the growing “Sanctuary Campus” movement, there is some evidence that there are campuses going well beyond the letter of…

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