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Atomic Alarmism

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If the Obama administration were to believe John Mueller’s book, Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al Qaeda, they could abandon diplomatic engagement with Iran completely and rest easy.

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Limits To Diversity & Tolerance

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When school district representatives told a Southern California teacher to remove the banners he had on display in his classroom, “diversity” and “tenure” were used to justify the order, according to Robert Muise, a lawyer for the Michigan-based Thomas More Law Center.

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Grand Old Partisan

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In his acceptance speech, Virginia’s governor-elect, Bob McDonnell, may have quoted the founding fathers more extensively than the last four U. S. presidents combined have in their entire political careers. But then, he also may have made more such references than many teachers do in their working lifetimes.

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The Ethics of War

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Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Reserve Colonel Bentzi Gruber recently defended the IDF’s ethical code and how it impacts the Israeli forces’ struggle in the war against a “new, [non-uniformed] enemy.”

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