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Sheriff David Clarke: “Cop Under Fire”

, Alex Nitzberg

The Democrat party’s radical ideology, the nation’s welfare state and the existing educational system detrimentally impact black Americans in poor communities Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. explains in his forthcoming book, “Cop Under Fire:…

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Far Left Courses at American Colleges

, Alex Nitzberg

Colleges nationwide offer classes steeped in identity politics and liberalism according to a new Young America’s Foundation (YAF) report that lists liberal college courses. The report is titled, “Comedy & Tragedy: College Course Descriptions and…

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Trump Derangement Syndrome

, Spencer Irvine

The Left struggles to come to grips with the reality of a Trump White House. Here are ten examples of college Trump Derangement Syndrome: Notre Dame. Notre Dame’s president, John Jenkins, is weighing whether to…

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Doomed to Repeat History

, Spencer Irvine

Paul D. Miller, associate director at the University of Texas-Austin’s Clements Center for National Security, spoke at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation to discuss his book, American Power and Liberal Order: A Conservative Internationalist…

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Recent Articles

First Amendment Failures At Columbia

, Malcolm A. Kline

Few at Columbia University would object if you called them the best and the brightest, yet they are no more incandescent than the rest of the public when it comes to enumerating their first amendment freedoms.

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