Recent Articles

The “Post-Truth” World of Academia

, Alex Nitzberg

Radical ideas that defy reality can flourish at Universities that indoctrinate students with intellectual insanity while inculcating them against Biblical morality. “Post-truth,” the “Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year 2016,” provides an apt description of…

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We Remember Pearl Harbor

, Spencer Irvine

We at Accuracy in Academia recognize the sacrifices made on that day, where U.S. servicemen died in Pearl Harbor when Japanese bombers attacked the U.S. fleet stationed there. We remember December 7th, 1941 through the words…

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What’s Next for Trump and Taiwan?

, Spencer Irvine

Before President-elect Trump’s recent exchange of greetings with Taiwanese leaders, Gordon G. Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China, spoke at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation , giving his take the incoming administration and…

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Intern with Us! Apply Today!

, Spencer Irvine

Do you want to intern in the nation’s capital? We offer journalism and writing internships in the Washington, D.C. area for college students and have rolling deadlines, so please apply. Scholarships are offered. Please spread…

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The Moral Sickness of the Left

, Cliff Kincaid

Donald J. Trump is labeled by CNN as a liar on a regular basis, while the dead communist tyrant Fidel Castro is lauded as a revolutionary hero. American reporters are in Havana, Cuba to film…

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Academic Freedom has Veered Off Course

, Spencer Irvine

Jay Schalin,  Director of Policy Analysis at the John William Pope Center for Higher Education, wrote an insightful report on academic freedom in public versus private colleges, the roots and evolution of academic freedom, and…

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Recent Articles

Republican Revisionism

, Malcolm A. Kline

It does occur. For example, among establishment Republicans who fret that taking a tough position on border security endangers a GOP seeking to broaden its base.

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Ivy Leagues vs. Students For Fair Admissions

, Malcolm A. Kline

The entire Ivy League has declared its brotherhood with Harvard as it battles Asian-Americans alleging discrimination, and it sounds suspiciously as though they are trying to cloak their opposition to Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) as a defense of diversity.

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