Recent Articles

Academic Gets The Right Wrong

, Malcolm A. Kline

In the Chronicle Review, a Stanford historian interviews George Nash, distinguished chronicler of the political right, with the pretty tacit intent of bashing Trump supporters. “It might be preposterous in this, the year of Trump,…

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Meet Betsy DeVos, the New Education Secretary

, Deborah Lambert

President-elect Donald Trump has selected billionaire philanthropist Betsy DeVos, a relatively unknown figure on the national scene, to head the U.S. Department of Education. Calling her a “brilliant and passionate education advocate,” Trump said in…

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African-American History Missing

, Spencer Irvine

Field trips to museums in Washington, D.C. are nothing new but the latest archive in our nation’s capital may break records set by other museums in the Smithsonian network. The much-heralded National African-American Museum of…

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Are We All Trumpets?

, Malcolm A. Kline

The American division of Graduate Women International (GWI) may find itself in the odd position of channeling Donald Trump. “On this International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women (VAW), Graduate Women International (GWI) voices concern…

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Government Persecutes For Profit Colleges

, Malcolm A. Kline

Can it be that the federal government has been waging war on for-profit colleges because, with all their problems, they still make traditional institutions of higher learning look bad? For example, the Obama Administration famously…

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The Origin of Political Correctness

, Malcolm A. Kline

If you wonder where the politically correct malady that afflicts America came from, Boston University professor emeritus Angelo M. Codevilla has the answer. “The notion of political correctness came into use among Communists in the…

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BDS Boycotts Geography

, Malcolm A. Kline

It really is a shame that geography is no longer taught in schools: It might make life easier for left-wing campus activists. Cary Nelson, an English professor at the University of Illinois, remembers that in…

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Recent Articles

Progressivism In A Paragraph

, Malcolm A. Kline

And the paragraph comes from Andrew Salter, Assistant Professor of Economics in the Rawls College of Business, and the Comparative Economics Research Fellow at Texas Tech University’s Free Market Institute.

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