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John Podesta’s New Global Order

, Cliff Kincaid

In one of her secret speeches, Hillary Clinton said, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders…” Before this comment was revealed, Adam Taylor of The Washington Post tried to…

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The ACLU Care$

, Malcolm A. Kline

Your grievances could be worth millions, to the ACLU. The legendary “public interest” lawyers are suing a florist from the state of Washington for refusing to do floral designs for an “alternative” wedding. “The attorneys’…

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Thanksgiving is Safe, For Now

, Malcolm A. Kline

Interestingly, Thanksgiving has remained relatively unscathed as progressives try to remake the American calendar. Maybe they because don’t want to blow a four-day weekend. I did have an oddball professor—it does sound redundant—35 years ago…

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Journalism 101: Orwell Revisited

, Malcolm A. Kline

Pity the poor journalism student: He, or she, has to keep up with so many ways to spin a story that it would make George Orwell dizzy. “During Republican administrations they prided themselves on being…

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Corporate Media Slammed by Donald Trump

, Cliff Kincaid

Left-wing media critics I have debated over the years have repeatedly bashed the slanted “corporate media.” But now that a Republican presidential candidate has taken up this charge, with concrete proof, they are shying away…

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Immigration 101

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academics may want to downplay the increasing level of unchecked immigration at America’s southern border but those levels keep rising in real time. “Late in 2013, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials and members of…

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