Recent Articles

The College Board’s SAT Money Hustle

, Spencer Irvine

A recent report alleged that the College Board, the architects of the college entrance exams known today as the SAT, is becoming a profit-driven (yet taxpayer-funded) machine, instead of a business focused on the greater…

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A Guide to Fight for School Choice

, Spencer Irvine

The Institute for Justice (IJ) and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) issued a jointly-published guide on how lawmakers and activists can push for more school choice in their home states. In their second edition…

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Charter Schools Work in Massachusetts

, Spencer Irvine

The Pioneer Institute conducted a case study on Phoenix Academies, a successful charter school network in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Their focus is not on separating at-risk youth and children into grade levels, but tailoring…

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Recent Articles

Geometries Of Whiteness 101

, Malcolm A. Kline

And you thought students didn’t learn anything about math anymore. “An art education professor at the University of North Texas is urging his fellow educators to use social justice-themed art classes to fight ‘geometries of…

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