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Spies Among Us

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The world of espionage has been full of danger and intrigue, but today it draws criticism from those who question both the capabilities and usefulness of intelligence gathering. It seems the American Left it still in denial as to the extent of the danger posed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

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Free or FAIR Immigration?

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A new study published by the Cato Institute asserts that current U.S. immigration laws and policies run counter to the economic wellness of U.S. households and advocates legalization of illegal immigrants through visa-taxing in order to maximize immigration’s benefit.

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Doing Crime Without Time

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The rule of law is imperative in order for any nation and society to function, prosper, and survive. In regards to the law and order most appropriate and just for juvenile offenders under the age of 18, decisions about sentencing are delegated to the juvenile court systems for judgment and rehabilitation.

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Community Organizes for Vouchers

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On August 20th, dozens of elementary students and parents gathered in front of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) in a daytime vigil organized by D.C. Parents for School Choice as part of their SaveThe216 campaign to save the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP).

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America’s Next Security Front

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As United States Marines begin Operation Eastern Resolve, an air and ground assault on Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan, the Center for American Progress (CAP) hosted an Interagency Team led by Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to discuss an “integrated approach” in dealing with the security challenges in the region.

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