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Rush Limbaugh Quotes AIA Blog

, Spencer Irvine

Our recent article on Donald Trump confusing academics was cited by talk show radio host Rush Limbaugh this past Friday! Take a listen at this link here and read the transcript below: “These people couldn’t…

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It’s the Accreditation, Stupid!

, Malcolm A. Kline

The good news is that the Left has noticed what a scam college accreditation is. The bad news: They want the federal government to take it over. “Accreditors are self-regulating membership organizations,” Ben Miller, David…

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Trump Baffles Academics

, Malcolm A. Kline

The “best and the brightest” in academe have been trying to unravel the Trump phenomenon for about as long as this election season has run. Martin Kich of Wright State University devotes about three blogs…

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When to Take the Fifth (Amendment)

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Fifth Amendment may be the Left’s favorite entry on the Bill of Rights but a relatively conservative law professor makes a pretty persuasive case that it should be more universally embraced. “The use of…

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The New Cold War

, Spencer Irvine

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and George Washington University held a joint conference, their third together, at the university’s D.C. campus. Peter Clement, deputy assistant director for CIA’s Europe and Eurasia Mission, John McLaughlin, distinguished…

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