Recent Articles

A Money Changers Moment for Catholics

, Cliff Kincaid

Of all the groups that Barack Obama bamboozled in 2008 and 2012, Catholics were the biggest suckers. They voted for Obama and now, according to the polls, they are backing Hillary. But evidence suggests that…

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How ‘Green’ was My Campus

, Malcolm A. Kline

The sustainability campaigns on American college campuses, which we have covered for about as long as they have existed, may seem more ubiquitous than pledge drives on PBS. Nevertheless, some scholars think they haven’t gone…

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Presidential Birthplace Trivia

, Malcolm A. Kline

Each of the following states produced one president apiece and you might be surprised at the chief executives that go with each of them—Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Jersey and New Hampshire. They are: Ronald Reagan,…

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Where’s the playground, Susie?

, Malcolm A. Kline

A playground in Missouri is becoming a political minefield. “Only one religious freedom case is currently before the Supreme Court this upcoming term: Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Pauley,” the Alliance for Defending Freedom…

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Recent Articles

Hide And Go Seek At Yale Law

, Malcolm A. Kline

When you look at the messages some law professors send out, you might wonder if law school these days is about upholding, enforcing or even finding loopholes in statutes or clearly breaking them.

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Chipotle U

, Malcolm A. Kline

Embattled California’s equally beleaguered Governor Jerry Brown thinks he knows how to save the public universities in the Golden State.

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