Recent Articles

PCU Ascendant

, Accuracy in Academia

Commiserate with Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid as he takes his son on a tour of politically correct universities in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Phyllis Schlafly: A Woman Worth Studying

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here’s the key problem with women’s studies: They ignore the women most worthy of study. Into this category falls the dear—and she was—departed author and activist Phyllis Schlafly. She crammed more achievements into one lifetime…

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Hoya Bait and Switch

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Georgetown University homepage claims that their 2016 fellows include one Democrat and one Republican but the link you get to click on shows more like a 4-1 imbalance. “Martin O’Malley, Jeb Bush Advisor are…

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Gender Ideologues Trade Stereotypes

, Malcolm A. Kline

In their rush to provide a warm, inclusive and diverse environment for all, save—of course—Christians and conservatives, university officials might want to ask themselves whether they are becoming what Pope Francis called “gender ideologues” and…

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The Scholarship of Marc Lamont Hill

, Cliff Kincaid

More than a year ago we published Jim Simpson’s masterful report, “Black Criminals, White Victims, and White Guilt.” He examined the facts about black-on-white crime. What’s more, Simpson singled out commentators like CNN’s Marc Lamont…

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Look for the Union Label

, Spencer Irvine

Teachers’ unions can now point to an academic study to defend themselves against the charge that they prevent the firing of bad teachers, but the study itself is more of a hypothetical defense against very…

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Anti-Semitism On Campus Gets Real

, Malcolm A. Kline

Usually university officials go into overdrive to solve a reported hate crime. Apparently they become more deliberate when the alleged victim is a Jewish student. “On Thursday, the UC Irvine Office of Student Conduct announced that…

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Recent Articles

Historian Rewrites History of Janus

, Malcolm A. Kline

An historian from the University of North Carolina-Ash claims that the Janus decision that nullified the agency fees non-members have to pay to unions is a right-wing fantasy but he may have some fantastic notions of his own.

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Did Amy Wax Accurately?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Amy Wax, the embattled Penn Law professor, who wondered aloud whether affirmative action translated into academic success, actually may have been onto something. African-American libertarian economist Walter Williams notes that, “One study suggests that Wax…

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