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Democratic National Convention Post-Mortem

, Chris Tremoglie

Any political convention will bring protesters. However, those at the Democratic National Convention might very well take the prize for head-scratching, eye-popping and, most notably, nose-pinching moments. The convention brought some baffling, disturbing sights and…

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The Left’s Grandstanding on Sexual Assault

, Spencer Irvine

In light of the Rolling Stone-University of Virginia libel lawsuit and other rape hoaxes across the U.S., The Women Against VAWA Excess (known as WAVE) issued a brief directed towards Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and her rhetoric on sexual assaults.

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Anti-Semitism on Campus 2016

, Malcolm A. Kline

The anti-Semitism evident in e-mails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which WikLeaks obtained,  might not surprise so many if they knew how prevalent that attitude is on American college campuses. The AMCHA Initiative housed…

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Here Lies Black Lives Matter Data

, Malcolm A. Kline

In the wake of Harvard researcher Roland G. Fryer’s finding that the central thesis of Black Lives Matter — that unarmed black suspects are more likely to be killed by white cops than white “persons…

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Voters at DNC considering new options

, Amanda Florian and Kallina Crompton

This week, voters are keeping a close eye on all running candidates as the Democratic National Convention continues in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While some Sanders supporters have been skeptical to migrate toward a new candidate, others…

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Rowdy and Rebellious

, Emily Hughes

At the young age of 18, Regis Giles decided that she had enough of seeing headlines about women who were abducted, raped and murdered so she began to motivate women to take the initiative and…

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Peter Schiff On Inflation and the Fed

, Alex Nitzberg

The Federal Reserve trumpets inflation as a sign of economic growth, but economist and media personality Peter Schiff told AIM that “…it wasn’t always the case that central banks were talking about how great inflation…

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Democrats’ Racist Roots

, Cliff Kincaid

Carol Swain, a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, is one of the stars of Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie, “Hillary’s America,” which examined in detail the historical racism of the Democratic Party….

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The DNC: 5 things to know

, Amanda Florian

What happened Tuesday? Hillary Clinton gained 2,842 delegates Tuesday evening and was officially nominated by the Democratic party. Clinton made history, seeing as she is the first woman to gain that spot. The day’s events…

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