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Blaming Conservatives for Muslim Terrorism

, Cliff Kincaid

Admitting that “the full facts” were still unknown, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) nevertheless issued a statement on Sunday afternoon on “the senseless act of domestic terrorism in Orlando,” saying that “it is not surprising…

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A Primer on ‘Assault Weapons’

, Emily Hughes

“I happen to believe that certain types of assault weapons, which are manufactured and designed for military purposes to kill people, should not be used in civilian society.” Bernie Sanders “The only people who use…

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Requiem for Orlando

, Emily Hughes

The Orlando shootings were not an opportunity to talk about gun control and cry out at the system, nor was it simply a hate crime. While President Obama refuses to admit it, the attacks on…

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College Students Meet ‘The Donald’

, Amanda Florian

WASHINGTON– College students were among the crowd of over 1,000 attendees at Friday’s Road to Majority conference, a weekend-long event that was sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump headlined the event at the…

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The Bestial Patriot Act

, Emily Hughes

In an interview with author Cheryl Chumley after an Author’s Night Event hosted by Accuracy in Academia she discussed the direction of America and what concerned citizens can do to change the future. In her…

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