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King of the Roadkill

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In Joseph B. White’s article “How Detroit’s Automakers Went from Kings of the Road to Roadkill,” White explains five factors that contributed to the fall of Detroit’s big three, General Motors (GM), Chrysler and Ford.

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Economist Paul Krugman explains one of today’s more pressing social and economic concerns—a growing income inequality—through his understanding of the Great Depression and the culture and politics it produced.

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Pakistan Watch

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On February 21st, the Pakistani government agreed to a permanent ceasefire agreement with the Taliban militants in Swat Valley—a location only 100 miles away from the capital, Islamabad.

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DC Vouchers at Crossroads

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Funding for the Washington Scholarship Fund (WSF), more commonly referred to as the DC voucher program, is likely to run out at the end of next academic year due to a sunset provision designed by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin (D).

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