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Black Lives Matter’s LGBTQ Agenda

, Alex Nitzberg

While the media cover Black Lives Matter’s complaints of racism and police brutality, they largely underreport the movement’s campaign to normalize all permutations of sexual proclivity. The “Guiding Principles” on clearly delineate the group’s…

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Dark Money in Science

, Kallina Crompton

Just a few months ago, mothers in Flint, Michigan prohibited their kids from taking baths after actor Mark Ruffalo claimed the city’s water contained dangerous levels of chloroform. Virginia Tech Professor Marc Edwards, who initially…

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Who is Paying for Diversity?

, Malcolm A. Kline

While The Donald hits the hustings talking, yea, bellowing, about the jobs America has lost, academia has actually added to its payrolls, but kept mum about who is picking up the tab. “The number of…

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A Crisis of Political Vision for Millennials

, Kallina Crompton

Most college graduate millennials will change jobs four times before they reach the age of 32. U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), overt leader of the #nevertrump movement, addressed this unprecedented issue to demonstrate the great problem that both political parties face — a lack of vision for the millennials.

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CPAC Nixed Facebook Meeting

, Deborah Lambert

CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp turned down the chance to visit Facebook last month, telling Greta von Susteren at “On the Record” that he thought the conservative confab over political bias allegations was merely a political PR stunt after they got caught.

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Trump Campaign Plans College Overhaul

, Deborah Lambert

Who knew that the Trump campaign would be getting involved in higher education policy this year? Sam Clovis, a tenured economics professor and Trump campaign co-chair, recently noted that their objectives include getting the government…

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Economist Mark Skousen Explains Gross Output

, Alex Nitzberg

Despite the theory purveyed by the media, consumer spending is not the strongest catalyst of economic expansion, according to economist Mark Skousen, author of The Structure of Production. “…Because consumer spending represents…two thirds basically of…

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