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World Melts With U.S.

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The Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community gave the new Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair his first opportunity to address a senate committee on the “far-reaching impact of the global economic crisis.”

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Drug Crisis in Mexico

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Recently there has been a surge in violence and brutal acts committed by drug cartels, causing a national emergency in Mexico. The power of the cartels has allowed them to corrupt governmental institutions and law enforcement agencies at the state and local levels.

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Missile Defense Countdown

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As a nuclear Iran becomes increasingly likely, and North Korea continues to flaunt its missile capabilities, many researchers and thinkers are pressing for more comprehensive measures to prevent the use of missiles already in existence.

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Same To You Buddy

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“Ask God what your grade is.” These are among the words found on a teacher evaluation form stuffed in Jonathan Lopez’ backpack last November following his in-class presentation on God and miracles.

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The Camelot Code

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A new book on the 1960 presidential election is more misleading than informative. Since it is written by the man who served as Barack Obama’s religious advisor in the 2008 campaign for the White House, the misdirection—whether it be the result of superficial research or political intent—does not make for a good omen.

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