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White Skin Privilege

, Jim Simpson

The “White Skin Privilege” idea was created in 1967 by Noel Ignatiev, an acolyte of Bell and professor at Harvard’s W.E.B. Du Bois Institute (Du Bois was a Communist black leader who helped found the NAACP). Ignatiev was a member of CPUSA’s most radical wing, the Maoist/StalinistProvisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (POC). POC was the intellectual forerunner to FRSO.

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Religious Universities Pressured to Secularize

, Kallina Crompton

Since the Supreme Court decision on marriage, the government has put many religious universities on the “shame list” if they seek waivers that allow them to teach traditional values of marriage and sexuality without being stripped of grants or funding.

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Target, Transgenderism, and Transformation

, Alex Nitzberg

Target Corp. (TGT) stock has plunged approximately 12% less than a month after the organization declared that its transgender customers and employees could utilize “…the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender…

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Mother Goose Gets Makeover @ Occidental

, Cliff Kincaid

Cultural Marxism is called “critical theory” in many universities today. At Occidental College in California, where a young Barack Obama went after being tutored in Marxism by communist Frank Marshall Davis, “Critical Theory and Social Justice” is now an interdisciplinary department, “drawing on ideas from across traditional academic disciplines.”

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