Recent Articles

Defunding the Marxist Madrassas

, Cliff Kincaid

Noam Chomsky, a Marxist professor who says he has been at MIT for 65 years, maintains that we need a new economic system. He has endorsed something called “the next system,” which is supposed to…

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Repeating Good History

, Accuracy in Academia

Meet some actual scholars, as opposed to the ones we usually get to cover, in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Jewish Students Should Not Be Caught in the Crossfire

, Tammi Rossman-Benjamin

The University of California’s unanimous and historic condemnation of “anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic forms of anti-Zionism” has sparked a fierce national debate. Is anti-Zionism anti-Semitic? There are those who believe anti-Zionism is unquestionably anti-Semitic. In that…

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The Left is Down on Reagan

, Malcolm A. Kline

Even when they are trying to be even-handed, academics can’t hide their biases. “While it is certainly true that the public has a decidedly negative view on ‘the way things are going in the country…

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Recent Articles

Show and Tell In Texas

, Brian McNicoll

A case in Texas in which a teacher was transferred from an elementary school to a high school in her district after showing students pictures of her with her same-sex partner

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