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Show Us the Money

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In North Carolina university, community college, and state budget office officials have spent part of the week lobbying state legislators for more funding for higher education, while arguing against proposed line-item budget cuts.

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Kwanzaa U

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We are reminded in December by television commercials and billboards that this time of year, people not only celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah but also the African feast of Kwanzaa. But how African, or for that matter, how African-American is Kwanzaa?

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Chapel Hill vs. Western Civ, Again

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The bunch, which includes a few professors (a very few, let it be said), are arguing that my column is acceptable grounds upon which the university’s College of Arts and Sciences must desist in their efforts to propose a program in Western Civilization that would win an outside grant worth several million dollars.

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Academia Adrift

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Those who think that critics of higher education seek to use classrooms for conservative training camps rather than ideological laboratories of the left should hear what economist Roger Meiners has to say.

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Balance At Duke, Sort Of

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Although the reports that we get from across the country show that professors are doing their level best to turn their student bodies into voting blocs, in at least one bastion of political liberalism, students are resisting the indoctrination.

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