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The American Dream is at a Standstill

, Spencer Irvine

Now here’s news you’re not likely to get from many commencement speeches, especially if they are given by Obama Administration officials, including the chief executive himself. Michael Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute,…

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The Donald’s Diversity Deconstructed

, Cliff Kincaid

If Trump were to actually win the Republican nomination and become president, it’s questionable whether his policies would be in any sense Republican. Indeed, his foreign policy would be even more pro-Russian than that of…

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U.S.-Japan Alliance Has Big Questions

, Spencer Irvine

As China-Japan frictions are bubbling to the surface, there are legitimate concerns whether there will be an armed conflict in the near future, and whether the U.S. would back Japan in defending Japan in places…

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Politically Correct College Tour

, Cliff Kincaid

You cannot walk through a tour of most colleges without getting lectured about the need for “diversity” and the prevalence of women’s and even queer studies. My youngest son and I took a tour of…

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Common Core Great for Homeschooling

, Spencer Irvine

The Heritage Foundation published a special report with essays from several education experts, detailing the background and the effects of Common Core. Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and…

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How Reagan Won the Cold War

, Spencer Irvine

Ronald Reagan’s legacy, long after his passing, continues to be distorted by the leftist academic community, one professor noted at a panel discussion held at the Heritage Foundation. Francis Marlo, an associate professor of International…

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