Recent Articles

UCLA Prof Unravels Diversity Sham

, Malcolm A. Kline

In the latest issue of The Chronicle Review, UCLA historian Russell Jacoby offers some insights into the campus diversity craze that are actually refreshing. Jacoby asks, “Should all quarters of society demographically reflect all other…

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There are Downsides to Tax Cuts?

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the scholars at the recent Philadelphia Society conclave of conservative intellectuals found an unexpected downside to tax cuts. “Congress voted against Grover Cleveland’s tariff cuts arguing that government will become bigger because of…

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Lenin’s Stubborn Facts

, Malcolm A. Kline

Lenin famously said that facts are stubborn things, and they are, no matter how much his fans in academia try to hide them.  “Currently the public and academic view of markets is distorted,”  Paul Dragos…

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Coolidge Silent No More

, Malcolm A. Kline

Clearly we have to reach beyond academia if we want to reclaim our history. “Calvin Coolidge had four percent growth which candidates today only talk about as a goal,” Amity Shlaes, the former Wall Street…

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A Man Called Adam Smith

, Malcolm A. Kline

If the Left thinks of Adam Smith at all, it is probably as a profile on neckties worn by their bete noires on the right, but genuine liberals might find him a worthy subject of…

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The AAUP on the Title IX Commandments

, Spencer Irvine

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) recently published a draft of their report on the uneven enforcement of Title IX discrimination laws, as enforced by the Obama Department of Education and their Office of…

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Free Otto Warmbier!

, Cliff Kincaid

Editor’s Note: Below is a video of Otto’s press conference televised from North Korea. A student who studied economics at the prestigious University of Virginia has been sentenced to 15 years in the North Korean…

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Cornell Goes Back to Dismal Future

, James F. Davis

The 10th President of Cornell University, Hunter Rawlings, was recently named interim president of Cornell University due to the recent death of Cornell president, Elizabeth Garrett. Rawlings had previously been politely canned by Cornell after…

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Recent Articles

With Critics Like These….

, Malcolm A. Kline

When the appointed conservative debates the resident liberal at a conference, don’t expect sparks to fly, particularly when the former echoes the latter’s talking points.

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