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Anti-Semitism on California Campuses

, Richard Cravatts

Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared on the Gatestone Institute website. The California university system seems to have the dubious distinction of being the epicenter of the campus war against Israel. The situation that has…

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Academic Problem with Polls

, Malcolm A. Kline

When academics point out the problems with polls, they might wind up trying to regulate them. “Because one of the things I want to say about public opinion polls is that they are the child…

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Silver Linings to Student Meltdowns

, Malcolm A. Kline

  The bad news is that student protestors today are more openly totalitarian than demonstrators of the 1960s. The good news: They’re less destructive. “At the University of Kansas, where I graduated, students torched the…

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Soul-Free Universities

, Spencer Irvine

There’s something else that universities have missed in their diversity checklist. “Because when we teach communism is good, capitalism is bad, when we teach self-actualization is the goal of the academy rather than selflessness and…

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