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Academic Free Speech Freefall

, Malcolm A. Kline

It is one of the many ironies of our modern age that one of the places that the first amendment is designed to benefit—the academy—is so maladroit in using it. “What, exactly, is the tension…

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Common Core: Show Me the Money

, Malcolm A. Kline

It turns out that Common Core’s creators might be demonstrating the same ethos Cuba Gooding’s character demonstrated in the film Jerry Maguire when he said, “Show me the money.” “An undercover journalist for a nonprofit…

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Hate is the Essence of Socialism

, Cliff Kincaid

When will socialist Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) be held accountable by the media for his own revolutionary and hateful rhetoric? “Not Donald Trump, not anyone else will be successful in dividing us based on…

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School Choice Round-Up

, Malcolm A. Kline

There is good news and bad from the states on school choice, as compiled by the Heartland Institute in its School Reform News. First, the bad news: “A Minnesota family choosing to educate their child…

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Recent Articles

DePaul University’s Polyamory Studies

, Accuracy in Academia

The event’s description sought to “dig past the surface conversation surrounding polyamory and open relationships” and examine “the ways soisl [sic] identity impact the conversations and the embodiment of open and polygamous [sic] relationships.”

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