Recent Articles

Multicultural Lesson from Guatemala

, Malcolm A. Kline

The frightening thing about looking at schools in other countries is that you can see where our own education is going. At this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, Gloria Alvarez of the National Civic Movement…

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Dark Money Funds Universities

, Malcolm A. Kline

The media rarely miss a chance to go after conservatives funding their favorite causes but virtually ignore the more extensive, expensive and successful efforts of left-wing money men to bankroll theirs, particularly on college campuses….

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Common Core Sinks GOP Establishment Figures

, Malcolm A. Kline

Establishment Republicans are always mystified when they embrace Democratic Party policies and get hammered for it, particularly, as is frequently the case, when those programs don’t work particularly well. “It was everyday moms who shamed…

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Politically Scientific Math

, Malcolm A. Kline

A professor found an easier way to study math. Unfortunately, he’s a political scientist. “I propose an alternative to mathematics, what I call numerical literacy, or for lack of a better phrase, adult arithmetic,” Andrew…

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Gay Marriage on the Rocks

, Malcolm A. Kline

Outside of academia, even gay marriage supporters are dubious about the Supreme Court’s legal logic in legalizing it. “When I read Justice Kennedy’s decision, I wanted to embroider it on a pillow but wondered if…

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Counter-BDS Movement Has a Good Month

, Diane Kunz

Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on the Louis B. Brandeis Center website. Last week the British government issued guidance banning local government and public sector Boycott Divestment and Sanction (BDS) actions toward any country…

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Ethnic Studies Boosts GPAs

, Malcolm A. Kline

Education School researchers at Stanford found that ethnic studies courses boost grades and attendance. Apparently, it never occurred to them to ask what exactly the students learn in them. “New research shows gains in attendance…

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Recent Articles

Whatever Became Of Arne Duncan?

, Malcolm A. Kline

The former Secretary of Education following the path of his predecessors at the U. S. Department and continuing to propose ineffectual reforms that may backfire on his political constituency.

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Wolfman Bob

, Malcolm A. Kline

Robert Wielgus has made wolves his life’s work and it paid handsomely, if not in the manner in which he expected.

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A Warning Academia Failed To Heed

, Malcolm A. Kline

More than a quarter of a century ago, the late great sage Russel Kirk made a stunningly prescient analysis of the woes of academe in the United States that university presidents would be well advised to revisit.

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