Recent Articles

Right Turn in Academe?

, Malcolm A. Kline

A writer from The New Yorker actually noticed a political bias in academe: She claims it tilts right. Actually, Jane Mayer’s article, “How a Handful of Wealthy Reactionaries Tugged Academe to the Right,” which appeared…

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Defending Our republican Constitution

, Spencer Irvine

Randy Barnett, the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at the Georgetown University Law Center, director of the Georgetown Center for the Constitution, and an author of eleven books, has a book that should be…

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Remembering Josiah Henson

, Spencer Irvine

Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth are well-known former slaves and abolitionists in pre-American Civil War history, but Josiah Henson has been seemingly forgotten by history. At the Josiah Henson Leadership Conference held in the Maryland…

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Republicans Increase Education Spending

, Spencer Irvine

Not that that’s a good thing. At the Cato Institute, several conservatives squared off to discuss education reform. David Cleary, Majority Staff Director for the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee attached to the…

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Millennial Protesters Aren’t Well-Read

, Malcolm A. Kline

How do student protestors today differ from their predecessors back in the 1960s? The latter were more well-read. “This is a post-literacy generation,” Peter Wood of the National Association of Scholars (NAS) said recently at…

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STEM of Academic Myth

, Malcolm A. Kline

Despite evidence to the contrary, academics, among other elites, continue to insist that there is a shortage of applicants to fill jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math-related fields, usually when making the case for…

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Recent Articles

Academics In Hole Keep Digging

, Malcolm A. Kline

Every time veteran college administrators and professors get together to show that they know how to save higher education, they show that they don’t. “Another solution is to sponsor new academic programs,” Brian C. Mitchell…

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A Man In Full

, Malcolm A. Kline

Perhaps there was a time when great writers were welcomed in academia and appreciated the time they spent there. This isn’t that time.

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