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Protesting Melissa Click

, Spencer Irvine

Melissa Click, an assistant mass media communications professor at the University of Missouri, is currently suspended for assaulting a student journalist during a protest and calling for “muscle” to push the journalist out of the…

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Denial of Debt

, Cliff Kincaid

In addition to the problems of too much federal debt and too much spending, the issue of easy credit over the last seven years has been examined by Dr. Tracy C. Miller, an associate professor…

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ScaliaGate at Georgetown University

, Spencer Irvine

Georgetown University law professors argued whether the university should pay homage and remember U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative justice on the high court. The Washington Post reported on the controversy and obtained…

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ObamaCare will Bankrupt the U.S.

, Cliff Kincaid

One topic of conversation in the Republican race for the White House has been whether President Obama has been incompetent, or actually knows what he’s doing. On the matter of Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable…

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Ranking 20th Century U.S. Presidents

, Malcolm A. Kline

Since everybody else is rating presidents, we thought we’d give it a shot too, since we’ve covered many of them, especially those who served in the last century. The root of the word president, eminent…

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Apprenticeships Making a Comeback?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Somewhere between random free college for everyone and Teutonic regimentation geared towards industry is a happy medium of career choices that American high school graduates used to come much closer to having access to. “The…

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Silent Conservatives at Colleges

, Malcolm A. Kline

Apparently liberals on college campuses are not only “triggered” by what they hear from conservatives but even by their silence. “The University of Minnesota’s undergraduate student government approved an annual moment of silence to recognize…

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