Recent Articles

The Face of School Choice

, Malcolm A. Kline

When the media deigns to cover a landmark Supreme Court case involving education, reporters should cultivate sources outside of the educational establishment, lest they run the long-term risk of being caught flatfooted by the ruling…

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From Stalinist Russia, With Love

, Malcolm A. Kline

In Stalinist Russia, they had a love-hate relationship with the United States: Stalin hated it but the writers he dispatched to the U. S. on investigatory trips got to rather like it. Ilya Ilf and…

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Disabling Dickens

, Malcolm A. Kline

Truly, some authors are just too important to be left to academia. Charles Dickens is one of them. Yet and still, the Modern Language Association (MLA), at its annual conventions, regularly tries to modernize the…

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MLA Deconstructs Middle East

, Malcolm A. Kline

When the Modern Language Association (MLA) deconstructs something, it stays scrambled. Thousands of English professors attend the annual MLA conferences and just about every English Department is represented there. At this year’s meeting in Austin,…

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Patchwork Girl @ the MLA

, Malcolm A. Kline

Growing old is hard enough without a cadre of pedagogues telling you what it means. “Critical aging does not toss the baby out with its ideological bathwater,” LaSalle professor Emily Mattingly said at this year’s…

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Good News for English Majors, Sort Of

, Malcolm A. Kline

When thousands of English professors gathered in Austin, Texas earlier this month for the annual Modern Language Association (MLA) convention, they were rather pessimistic about the future of their profession, with one small but notable…

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Recent Articles

AAUP Misses Turning Point

, Malcolm A. Kline

Last Fall, a professor at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln harassed a Turning Points USA member posted at a literature table on campus, a situation that occurs all too regularly on American campuses.

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