Recent Articles

Rehashing Salaita’s Firing, Again

, Spencer Irvine

The Modern Language Association (MLA) is obsessive over Steven Salaita’s firing at the University of Illinois, demonstrated by a panel session entitled, “Salaita, Academic Freedom, and the Question of Palestine: Where Do We Go from…

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Rape Narrative Over Due Process

, Spencer Irvine

The Modern Language Association’s (MLA) new punching bag is due process, as one session in their annual convention demonstrated (The convention was held in Austin, Texas this year.) In the session, entitled, “Narrating College Sexual…

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Recent Articles

Absent Teachers in Philadelphia

, Malcolm A. Kline

Teachers playing hooky appear to be a more widespread problem than students doing so ever were. “With the scandal over the School District of Philadelphia’s (SDP) backlog of payouts to retirees for unused sick days…

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