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Return of the Ayerhead

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n FBI document about the Weather Underground, which was hyperlinked in the column, was changed by the FBI to delete a reference to the terrorist group. The “Ayer Head” Professor, Dan Kennedy of Northeastern University in Boston, admits he is the one who prompted the FBI to make the curious change.

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Happiness is…Gridlock

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Congressman Tom Price (R-GA), who represents the “happiest district in the nation” according to a recent study, expressed his regrets that his district “is not happy about what’s going on here in Washington right now.”

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DC Voucher Program in Jeopardy

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Since 2004, there has been a congressionally funded voucher program in the District of Columbia. But unless it is reauthorized by the Congress this week, and approved by the District, the program will be terminated at the end of the next school year.

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