Recent Articles

Sexual Violence in the Military

, Spencer Irvine

In a presentation to a Modern Language Association (MLA) panel on sexual violence, Ariana Vigil, a women’s studies professor at North Carolina-Chapel Hill, linked a military deserter and his perspective on the military to the…

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Bootstrapping Broads: Talking Feminism

, Spencer Irvine

Harriet Beecher Stowe, European gardens and gender bias were discussed in a recent Modern Language Association (MLA) panel at their annual convention held this year in Austin, Texas. The panel, entitled, “Bootstrapping Broads: On the…

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Ecologically Correct: It’s Academic!

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s interesting that although liberals are the ones who most like to talk about protecting the environment, conservatives are the ones most likely to do yard work. “There is a conflict between the politics of…

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Academic Animal Studies/Farm

, Malcolm A. Kline

George Orwell might have been amused. Academia is well on its way to quite literally becoming Animal Farm. Indeed, the very first day of the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) convention featured a panel on…

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Rock, Paper, Scissors

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s interesting that some of the same people who go ballistic at the suggestion that corporations are people are quite willing to ascribe human attributes to inhuman things.  “I’m out to prove that rocks are…

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Rutgers Faculty Opposes “Academic Inquiry”

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academics generally resist most attempts to invade their sanctum. Nevertheless, although they may share an elastic definition of “scholarship,” they do make legitimate points about arbitrary efforts to solve the often real crises in higher…

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Questioning Academic Authority on Guns

, Malcolm A. Kline

Maybe it’s time we revived that phrase “question authority.” “The president’s ironclad confidence in the conclusiveness of the science, and therefore the desirability of ‘common-sense gun safety laws,’ is echoed widely with every new mass shooting, from…

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Still Halloween at Yale

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academics are still using the Halloween costume controversy at Yale as a teachable moment. One wonders what they will learn. “A white Ivy League lecturer has resigned following an uproar over an email she sent…

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Recent Articles

BDS Advocates at GWU Get Belligerent

, Malcolm A. Kline

Proposals to force colleges and universities to boycott, divest from and sanction (BDS) Israel keep failing in the most left-wing of enclaves, such as the Modern Language Association (MLA). Nevertheless proponents of the measure keep putting forth BDS propositions with increasing stridency.

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University Teacher Training Still Obsolete

, Malcolm A. Kline

Economist Walter Williams has called education schools the ghettos of universities and, like some neighborhoods that might be described that way, they resist improvement even when their deterioration is obvious to everyone outside their borders.

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