Recent Articles

Academic Millionaires

, Malcolm A. Kline

You can always count on Democratic candidates for president to bash millionaires, even while cultivating their friendship and support behind the scenes. Yet and still, what you are never likely to hear is their inclusion…

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Everyone is Offended at GWU

, Spencer Irvine

George Washington University President Steven Knapp issued a statement through his office after a flag controversy flared up at one of the university dorm halls. A student, who is Palestinian, hung a Palestinian flag outside…

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Bad Business with China 101

, Malcolm A. Kline

Those who warn of the dangers of professors making pronouncements outside their area of expertise may have been a bit too hasty. A case might be made for encouraging business professors to look at foreign…

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Woodrow Wilson’s Clay Feet

, Malcolm A. Kline

There is something deliciously ironic about academic and media elites rethinking Woodrow Wilson, probably the president they have lionized most until the current occupant of the White House took office. It is an irony that…

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The Aftermath in Iraq

, Malcolm A. Kline

For about a decade, we have heard that Christians fared better under Saddam Hussein than they ever have since his overthrow so we decided to put the question to a panel of experts. “Well, their…

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The Case for Syrian Christians

, Malcolm A. Kline

When the media reported that Ted Cruz wanted to only admit Syrian Christian refugees into the United States, the junior senator from the Lone Star state found himself once again in the midst of a…

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More Planned Parenthood Myths

, Malcolm A. Kline

Planned Parenthood continues to lure collegians to its side but might be missing a fact or two when they sign up new supporters. For example, despite its claims to the contrary, Planned Parenthood’s primary activity…

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Common Core Computer Crack-Up

, Malcolm A. Kline

What do Common Core and Obamacare have in common, other than the enthusiasm they engender in the White House and widespread disappointment they generate outside of it? Both programs have fatal computer glitches. “New Hampshire-based…

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Recent Articles

Charter School Deserts

, Malcolm A. Kline

A team of researchers led by Miami University (of Ohio) Assistant Professor Andrew Saultz has compiled a map of “charter school deserts,” or poor areas where charters are hard to find but quite desired.

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