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Public Schools Abuse Immigration Laws

, Malcolm A. Kline

You may not believe who is abusing America’s immigration laws to secure cheap labor — public schools. “The foreign teacher trafficking business has stretched from the Prince George’s County, Maryland, school district (which was ordered…

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Universities Exploit Illegal Immigrants

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academia loves to proclaim its concern for the dispossessed but seldom wants to discuss its role in their exploitation. “High-tech companies, university lobbyists, and powerful leaders in both parties have ramped up their plans to…

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Obama’s College Scorecard Puzzle

, Spencer Irvine

Wondering which colleges and universities offer degrees that give a bang-for-their-buck? That’s the idea behind the Obama administration’s college scorecard program, released by the Department of Education earlier in the school year. It was supposed…

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Tolerance: Now UC It, Now You Don’t

, Tony Perkins

America’s universities used to care about critical thinking. Now they’re just critical — toward conservative thinking. Last week, we talked about Carol Swain, the African-American professor under fire for suggesting that radical Islam was a…

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Trapped by Modern Language

, Malcolm A. Kline

Every year we hit the road to find out what English Departments are up to at the Modern Language Association (MLA) convention and always come back depressed. A look at some of the panels we…

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Obama Scorecard Not Inclusive

, Malcolm A. Kline

When President Obama unveiled the U. S. Department of Education’s new college scorecard, he indicated it would be inclusive, reviewing every school. Well, they missed three—Christendom, Hillsdale and Grove City College. Officials at the Department…

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Swain’s World

, Tony Perkins

Universities are supposed to be a place to exchange ideas — not silence them. Tell that to Vanderbilt, where a hypersensitive student body is demanding the head of a conservative black professor for daring to…

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The American Identity Crisis

, Spencer Irvine

Accuracy in Academia’s next author’s night speaker, the former head of the U. S. Civil Rights Commission, sees a danger in America’s emphasis on diversity. “To be sure, we are wonderfully diverse—in race, gender, sexual…

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