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Games Academics Play, Literally

, Malcolm A. Kline

Those who thought academia couldn’t get more trivial might do a face palm over the trend toward gaming in higher education. “Several courses in my department at the University of Michigan have been gamified,” Kentaro…

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Common Core Standards Failing

, Spencer Irvine

A recent American Institutes for Research (AIR) assessment noted that Common Core standards are not matching National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) standards at the fourth grade level: “There are substantial differences in some content…

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Academics Want Your IRAs

, Malcolm A. Kline

When academics are ready to fix a problem, hold onto your wallets. “America’s middle class faces a growing retirement crisis,” Christian Weller and Teresa Ghilarducci write in an issue brief for the Center for American…

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Truly Gun-Free Zones

, Malcolm A. Kline

There may be a solution to school shootings, but liberals might not want to hear it because it involves either calling the cops or carrying a gun. “Dr. J. Eric Dietz, director of Purdue University’s…

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