Recent Articles

50 Yards to Freedom

, Tony Perkins

The biggest thing that happened on the Bremerton High School football field Friday night had nothing to do with the game. Instead, all eyes were on Coach Joe Kennedy — the target of another unconstitutional…

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Moral Dementia at Stanford and Berkeley

, Richard Cravatts

In a display of moral narcissism that British columnist Melanie Phillips has characterized as a “dialogue of the demented,”Stanford students staged a public protest on October 19th to once again denounce Israel and, presumably, to honor…

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Arthur Miller — Communist

, Paul Kengor

On the centenary of his birth, he remains the playwright who made anti-communism a hate crime. By Paul Kengor – 10.16.15 October 17, 2015 is the centenary of the birth of Arthur Miller, one of…

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The Other Side of Multiculturalism

, Malcolm A. Kline

It turns out that American students have something in common with their Latin American counterparts: They don’t learn anything good about America either. “In Latin America children are often exposed to the negative aspects of…

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Recent Articles

Confucius Institute Loses Base At Texas A & M

, Malcolm A. Kline

Texas A & M has backed away from its relationship with the Confucius Institute when the chancellor responded to concerns from a pair of state legislators–one Democrat and one Republican–that the Institutes more likely follow the model of academic freedom in China, from whence they came, than America.

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