Recent Articles

Academia’s Cynical Outreach Program

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academia loves to dress up its appeal to international students in uplifting prose, but a veteran professor suggests the move may be more than just a bit calculated towards self-preservation. “The historiography of education is…

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Is America a Nation of Immigrants?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Generations of students have been taught that we are a nation of immigrants but inquiring minds beg to differ. Well, actually, they don’t beg. “What we have never been is a nation of immigrants,” veteran…

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Patriotism, Sí, Nationalism, No

, Malcolm A. Kline

A well-informed scholar recently made an important distinction between  patriotism and nationalism. “Nationalism is an ideology that implies that there should be no political differences between inhabitants of a nation,” Dr. Steven Grosby of Clemson…

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‘Demon’ of Gender Theory

, Paul Kengor

Editor’s note: A shorter version of this article first appeared in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. This post can also be read at Vision and Values’ website. Pope Francis has returned to Rome after a historic trip…

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Civics, but for Grown-Ups

, Malcolm A. Kline

Some professors are more rooted in reality than others. Unfortunately, they tend to be retired. “President Lincoln called on every mother to whisper words of liberty to every listening babe,” William B. Allen, a professor…

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Planned Parenthood’s Campus Empire

, Mary Grabar

The original post appeared on the website Dissident Prof. Posted October 2, 2015, by Mary Grabar: As reported last week, Planned Parenthood’s lobbying efforts against the vote to deny them federal funds was assisted by…

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History Lesson on the Death Penalty

, Cliff Kincaid

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia notes that support for the death penalty has been part of Christian and Catholic tradition in the Old and New Testaments. What’s more, it was morally accepted when the U.S….

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Recent Articles

None Dare Call It Sovereignty

, Malcolm A. Kline

Lectures at the Cato Institute do not necessarily deliver conservative college professors, although they may be the most conservative college professors the organizers at Cato, or anywhere else can find.

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