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Sabbaticals for Dummies

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Those of us who have long been curious about what professors do on sabbatical could glean one sort of an answer from Oregon University English professor Edwin Battistella’s tongue-in-cheek (we think) listing of “Twenty-Five things to do on sabbatical” that appeared in the Fall 2007 issue of The Montana Professor.

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Arms Control Dreams

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America may be heading toward another arms race, according to Mike Moore, a research fellow at The Independent Institute who recently published the book Twilight War: The Folly of U.S. Space Dominance.

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The recent Shakespeare panel at the 2007 Modern Language Association (MLA) convention, ironically titled “Shakesqueer,” featured four queer theorists presenting articles soon to be published by the notoriously liberal Duke University press.

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Pleasure Now or Never

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Art History Professor Christopher Reed offered his own unique conception of pleasure in the workplace by highlighting the social virtues of homosexual references in the television sitcom Will & Grace and a YouTube video titled “Shoes.”

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Academic Freedom Without Limits

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Largely avoiding discussions of students’ academic freedom, the panel argues that, especially among politicized subjects, professors’ academic freedom is threatened by student evaluations, scarce tenure, and even their own professional code of ethics.

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