Recent Articles

The Cost of Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

It may not work terribly well but Common Core sure is expensive. “The treatment of textbooks as mountains of words is one of the signature elements of Common Core,” Peter Wood of the National Association…

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A World Without SATs

, Malcolm A. Kline

Last year, Hampshire College became the first institution of higher learning in the country to categorically reject using SATs as an admissions requirement. The college’s president, Jonathan Last, waxed rhapsodic about the results of the…

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The Real Nativists

, Christopher Manion

The original piece was published by FGF Books on their website. FRONT ROYAL, VA — Some 30 years ago, Mrs. Alice du Pont Mills invited me to visit her in her expansive Virginia horse farm…

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Academia’s Binder Full of Women

, Malcolm A. Kline

In the last presidential election, the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, received much derision when he announced in a debate that as governor of Massachusetts, his team assembled “a binderful of women” as the top applicants…

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Pope Gets Academic Certification

, Cliff Kincaid

[When the Holy Father finds himself on the same page with leading academics, he should worry—ed.] Al Jazeera posted an article, “Bernie Sanders, the pope and the moral imperative of systemic change,” by Gar Alperovitz,…

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Students School UNC on 9-11

, Malcolm A. Kline

Fundamental law of physics: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. “At the start of the fall semester, a freshman student at UNC-Chapel Hill gave the syllabus for ENG 72:Literature of 9/11 a cursory…

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Young Convinceables

, Cliff Kincaid

Thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the socialist running for president, we are learning that one of the latest examples of victim groups is students, who freely decide to go to college and in many…

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