Recent Articles

New Deal with a Stacked Deck

, Malcolm A. Kline

A high school teacher who has worked in Oregon and Manhattan is determined to pass on his history of the Great Depression. “By the end of Roosevelt’s first two terms in office, nonagricultural private-sector workers…

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Common Core Disses Bilingual Education

, Malcolm A. Kline

The bad reviews of Common Core keep pouring in, and not just from the right of center. “Among bilingual educators there has been much debate about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS),” Jeff Bale writes…

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The Truth about the Magna Carta

, Spencer Irvine

The details surrounding the Magna Carta are often overlooked, but it remains a revered document. Author David Starkey explained the importance of the Magna Carta while promoting his latest book, Magna Carta: The Medieval Roots…

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Bias Watch: Georgetown University

, Malcolm A. Kline

Occasionally, students actually notice when they are in a biased course. “I felt a certain idealistic giddiness upon enrolling in ‘Prisons & Punishment,’ a government course introduced during my senior year of college,” Danny Funt…

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Larry Summers Stands Up for Labor Unions

, Spencer Irvine

Lawrence Summers, former U.S. Treasury Department Secretary and current Charles W. Eliot University Professor at Harvard University, defended the concept of labor unions and blasted the South at a recent panel discussion at the Center…

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Increasingly Uncommon Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

As more states learn what Common Core involves, fewer of them want anything to do with it. “The number of states participating in the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Common…

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The Decline of English Departments

, Spencer Irvine

The John William Pope Center’s Jay Schalin recently published a report detailing the decline of America’s college English departments. More and more, traditional English literature classes and other similar icons of the English language in…

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Recent Articles

Make CU Great Again

, Malcolm A. Kline

One of the many ironies or paradoxes of life in academia is that freedom of speech never is more complex than when it is discussed by people who speak for a living.

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AAUP Dishes On Duncan

, Malcolm A. Kline

It is worthy of note when someone from the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) criticizes a Democratic U. S. Secretary of Education, even if the latter’s tenure has expired.

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School Violence Down In North Carolina

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although zero is the only universally acceptable number for violent incidents in schools, it should be noted that in North Carolina as in the nation as a whole, the number of violent incidences has actually gone down although not all the numbers are good .

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