Recent Articles

Look for the Union Label

, Malcolm A. Kline

As labor union leaders high-five each other this weekend over their ancestors’ creation of the Labor Day holiday more than a century ago, we would do well to remember a bit of their history that…

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College Debt is the New Normal

, Malcolm A. Kline

Professorial types are excited by a plan, courtesy of Michael L. Hays of New Mexico, to solve the college debt crisis. The irony is, it would put the onus of responsibility for college loans on some…

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The Top 10 Global Warming Lies of the Left

, Spencer Irvine

The Heartland Institute published “Top 10 Global Warming Lies” to answer the reporting of the Left on the effects of global warming. Specifically, the report was designed as a response to the  Environmental Defense Fund’s…

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Meet Judy

, Accuracy in Academia

Meet our summer intern in the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter.

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Education Savings Account is a Winning Issue

, Spencer Irvine

School choice is a hot-button issue for local school districts, parents and students. Glenn Delk’s op-ed in The American Spectator asked, why aren’t the GOP presidential candidates joining the fray and supporting education savings accounts…

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Smells Like Common Core

, Malcolm A. Kline

Even when teachers don’t appear to be complaining about Common Core they actually are, because CC is so unpopular that bureaucrats and politicians try to camouflage it. Yet and still, like the spots on a…

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