Recent Articles

Hillary Clinton’s Higher Ed Tax Increase

, Spencer Irvine

Hillary Clinton recently unveiled her higher education plan to reduce college student loan debt. As the Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) points out, Hillary’s plan, called the “New College Compact,” involves: States creating grants to…

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Academic Privilege By the Numbers

, Malcolm A. Kline

The nation and the Republican Party may or may not need ‘The Donald’ but a cursory look at what statistics we can extract from academia today suggests that the academic world needs somebody like him….

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Education Wonk Changes His Mind on Arne Duncan

, Spencer Irvine

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute’s Michael Petrilli recently wrote an apologetic op-ed for Fordham’s e-mail newsletter entitled “The new ESEA will be ‘loose-loose’ because Arne Duncan went overboard with ‘tight-tight’.” A champion for Common Core,…

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Colleges Micromanaging Free Speech

, Malcolm A. Kline

Back in the day, when bosses and CEOs got a little too attentive to detail, we would wryly note that they were “micromanaging.” Today, students actually want university administrators to micromanage free speech, putting the…

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Adieu to Two Scholars

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here at Accuracy in Academia, we mostly get to cover only ersatz intellectuals. Actual scholars, we too frequently find, are far fewer in number. Their ranks just got thinner this month with the passing of…

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Wisconsin Faculty’s Mass Exodus

, Malcolm A. Kline

He may not be getting as much attention as The Donald but Governor Scott Walker’s higher education reforms in Wisconsin are having a real world impact there. “Who wants to work in a state where…

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What’s Going On in the Catholic Church?

, Christopher Manion

FRONT ROYAL, VA — Millions of Americans, including many Catholics, were stunned when Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Catholic Archbishop of New York, attacked opponents of illegal immigration as “nativists” in a recent and widely-circulated column in…

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Recent Articles

Margaret Spellings’ Nest Egg

, Malcolm A. Kline

Not many Republicans make it into academia but one who did, Margaret Spellings, who captained the Department of Education during the Bush Administration, has come to find it rewarding.

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