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Matching Poor Students to College

, Spencer Irvine

Education researchers, college administrators and professors at the American Enterprise Institute expressed concern that more poor kids aren’t going to college. Yet and still, they might be luring people to college who might be better…

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Baltimore’s Choice and America’s

, Judy Russell

In January 2015, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) has introduced the Creating Hope and Opportunity for Individuals and Communities through Education (CHOICE) Act, designed to make vouchers more widely available to the poor so they can…

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A Millennial’s Search for Meaning

, Judy Russell

In Demetrius Minor’s autobiography, Preservation and Purpose: The Making of a Young Millennial, the young Pentecostal minister relates his journey of self-discovery through the grace of God and how ultimately this shapes his impression of…

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Academics Ready for Iran

, Malcolm A. Kline

A group of scholars has concocted a plan to implement the U. S.-Iran Nuclear Agreement that looks even sketchier than the pact itself. The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) has devised “Six Achievable Steps for…

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Sustainability in Higher Education

, Judy Russell

Sustainability has become a recurring theme among American colleges, and whether it’s through university curricula or carbon offsets, this new-wave has pressed students to organize into a radical progressive movement.   In a 2015 report,…

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Planned Parenthood Under Scrutiny

, Judy Russell

Planned Parenthood and its supporters have long repeated the mantra that, “women have control over their own bodies,” but what happens after PP helps them decide what to do with them? The recent release of…

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