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GW Admissions Goes “Test-Optional”

, Spencer Irvine

Standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT are no longer required by George Washington University. In its weekly e-mail newsletter, the school proudly announced this shift in its admissions process. The move is effective…

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Other Times for Choosing

, Judy Russell

On July 17, Professor Michael Munger of Duke University hosted a forum at the Cato Institute about his new book, Choosing in Groups: Analytical Politics Revisited. By distinguishing an individual and his/her role in a…

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Corrosion of Sanctuary Cities

, Malcolm A. Kline

“Sanctuary cities” that refuse to turn over deportable felons to the feds are frequently located in college towns. Yet and still, it’s hard to find academics who will speak ill of them, no matter how…

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High School Girls Save First Amendment

, Malcolm A. Kline

A pair of high school girls has done something Republican members of Congress only talk about: They saved the First Amendment by actually using it. “In July 2014—the summer before her senior year—Samantha Jones’s father…

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