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Divestment Double Standard

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University administrators have long advocated pulling their endowment funds out of investments that benefit countries that the elites find odious yet while they have divested themselves of holdings in nations such as South Africa or Israel, they are reluctant to pull their chips out of Iran, no matter how many terrorist watch lists U. S. government agencies put the regime on.

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High Tech Illiteracy

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At the same time that American students are becoming more and more technologically adept, they are increasingly less and less likely to possess rudimentary capabilities, data from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) indicates.

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Behind the Media Veil

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It seems that the professional media guidelines currently require coverage of Iraq to focus on ongoing insurgency, death counts, and sectarian violence, and that the media characterize the newly formed democratic Iraqi government as largely ineffectual.

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PC Dead White Guy

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Believe it or not, there is at least one deceased Caucasian man of letters still revered in academia—playwright Arthur Miller, whose dramas attacked both capitalism and the American way of life even while he personally benefited from both.

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Accountability 101

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Miriam Grossman, M.D., author of Unprotected, is fed up with the politically correct expectations of psychiatry, which have led her to avoid discussing the psychological ramifications of faith, promiscuity, abortion, and infertility with her patients at UCLA

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