Recent Articles

Too Big to Fail is a Failure

, Spencer Irvine

Five years after President Obama signed it into law to address America’s financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Act and the federal regulations that followed from it are relatively unknown by at least one-third of normal Americans….

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Defending Religious Liberty

, Judy Russell

On June 26th, same-sex marriage legislation as well as amendments to the state public accommodation laws were enacted in all 50 states, under the Supreme Court’s ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges. While gay couples all…

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ISIS Whack-A-Mole

, Spencer Irvine

Academia might not understand ISIS, but the service academies do. ISIS, or ISIL, has made significant territorial gains across the Middle East and inroads into the heart of Africa. A recent panel discussion on the…

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Why They Can’t Stop Trump

, Cliff Kincaid

Editor’s Note: Two political scientists find Trump still has winning hands In a Sunday column in The Washington Post, “Stop laughing at Donald Trump,” a liberal analyst from the Brookings Institution tries to warn the…

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Planned Parenthood Travels the Organ Trail

, Tony Perkins

Editor’s Note: Something colleges and collegians need to know before they get involved with this outfit.  For years, Planned Parenthood has fought against late-term abortion bans. And now we know why. The earlier babies are aborted,…

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Iran Deal Puts Israel At Risk

, Judy Russell

With President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal just around the corner, there couldn’t have been a better time for the 2015 Christian United for Israel (CUFI) Summit in Washington D.C. “We gather here for our tenth…

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Recent Articles

The Progressive Penndulum

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s really startling how frequently the most conservative professor on campus is also the most accomplished, almost as stunning as the attempts of administrators and scholarly malcontents to silence them.

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