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The Dues and Don’ts of NEA Activism

, Tony Perkins

Was it a meeting of the National Education Association or the Democratic National Committee? At times it was difficult to tell. The annual gathering of America’s largest teachers union featured everything from a lesbian proposal…

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Tragedy of U.S. History

, Judy Russell

On February 17th, an education bill was passed by the Oklahoma State House of Representatives Education Committee to “defund the current Advanced Placement U.S. History course framework and replace it with a curriculum deemed more…

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Community Colleges Pay for the Tofu

, Spencer Irvine

President Barack Obama’s latest education initiative is #FreeCommunityCollege for American students, but it brings up the question, will it make a concrete impact on the higher education landscape? At the Brookings Institution, Maryland community college…

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How Conservatives Teach

, Malcolm A. Kline

Liberal friends curious about how conservative professors actually teach might consider asking them. That’s what Jeisi Zhao of the Young America’s Foundation did in an interview with George Mason University economist Walter Williams. “I teach…

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Detroit’s Choice

, Malcolm A. Kline

Something is actually growing in Detroit, a city that mostly has been in the news for its losses—charter schools, 66 of them. Their growth tracks with a statewide trend, and has the Detroit public schools…

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Black Like Rachel

, Malcolm A. Kline

In a way, Rachel Dolezal is a living embodiment of racial progress. In the 1961 book, Black Like Me, white journalist John Howard Griffin pretended to be black in order to show the indignities blacks…

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Is is the Fourth? An Excerpt

, Bob Morrison

An excerpt from the Family Research Council’s daily e-mail newsletter: Those were the last words recorded of Thomas Jefferson. He had authored the Declaration of Independence exactly fifty years before he took his last breath….

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