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UVM’s Bottles Unintended Consequences

, Malcolm A. Kline

Academics really need to study the effects of unintended consequences more often. When the University of Vermont, one of the greenest campuses in one of the greenest states, banned bottled water, the school gave students…

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Rebranding and Renaming Tradition

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here’s the problem with getting rid of standards you find outdated, such as the Ten Commandments or traditional morality: In the chaos that inevitably results from their absence you wind up trying to concoct something…

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Featured Star

, Accuracy in Academia

In the latest issue of Accuracy in Academia’s monthly Campus Report newsletter, AIA features author and activist Star Parker.

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Scholar Speaks on Obama’s Red Mentor

, Cliff Kincaid

The black scholar who previously revealed Obama’s personal relationship with Communist Party operative Frank Marshall Davis is now speaking in detail on the record. Professor Gerald Horne says that while the relationship is noteworthy and…

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Teaching Moment on Baltimore Missed

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here’s what so-called “teachable moments” in academia generally miss—the decade those moments are in. “There is a revolution taking place in the United States,” Stanford researchers Travis Bristol and Claude Goldenberg write of their Edutopia…

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Diversity Dictators on Campus

, Malcolm A. Kline

Apparently university administrators no longer read George Orwell because they don’t seem to recognize how Orwellian their policies are. “Speech codes are almost never identified as such by the many colleges and universities that impose…

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Faculty Who Won’t Leave

, Malcolm A. Kline

Tenured faculty may make up an increasingly smaller proportion of the professoriate than in days gone by but they are hanging onto their jobs with both fists. “Tenured faculty age 50 or older can be…

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Exempt from Contempt?

, Tony Perkins

There aren’t many instances when the New York Times agrees with Christian conservatives — but the fallout over same-sex “marriage” is one. In yesterday’s edition, the paper gives legs to the growing fear that the…

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Professors for Empty Prisons

, Malcolm A. Kline

Professors who rail against the imprisonment of blacks rarely show as much interest in black victims of crime. “In 1980, there were 500,000 Americans in prison or jail,” Jason Stanley writes in The Chronicle Review….

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