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Politically Incorrect Literature

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At a time when fewer and fewer English professors can actually answer questions about literature, college students in search of America’s literary tradition are more likely to find it in books such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to English and American Literature than they are, say, at the Modern Language Association annual convention.

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The Fairness Doctrine Lives!

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In one of the many ironic twists and turns of life on Capitol Hill, the failure to pass amnesty for illegal aliens in Congress may have been the catalyst for the latest attempt by the Democratic majority there to bring back the so-called Fairness Doctrine.

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Irrational Voters or Elitist Policies

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Is the “rational American voter” just a passing myth? Dr. Bryan Caplan, an economist at George Mason University, thinks that voter “irrationality” is widespread throughout democratic America, and contributes to the cleft in opinion between the general public and educated economists on the subject of free trade.

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