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Common Core Crack-Up

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in education continue to crumble when they encounter reality. “Not a single junior at Seattle’s Nathan Hale High School showed up to take this spring’s Smarter Balanced tests (SBAC—one…

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MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber Outed

, Don Irvine

Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin apologized to his “Republican sources” Monday after it was revealed that MIT economist Jonathan Gruber had a much bigger role in shaping Obamacare than the White House had previously…

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Pre-schooling on Gender Ideology

, Malcolm A. Kline

How early in a child’s education does indoctrination begin? “Of course, there are many resources to help initiate conversations and help frame our students’ thinking,” A. J. Jennings writes in the Summer 2015 issue of…

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Pope Blasts ‘Gender Ideology’

, Paul Kengor

Many Catholics, especially conservative ones, obviously aren’t thrilled with the pope’s new encyclical. I find myself once again spending a lot of time explaining to non-Catholics why the current pope is either not a Marxist…

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The Gen X Factor

, Tony Perkins

Over the next week, the only opinion people will care about on marriage is the Supreme Court’s. But as more surveys show, the backdrop for that ruling is a country still very much divided on…

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Media Misinterpret Pope Francis

, Spencer Irvine

Although the media focused on Pope Francis’s views on the environment, they neglected to mention some of his other notable positions in the highly-publicized encyclical “Laudato Si.” For example, Pope Francis had this to say…

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More Pre-K Education and Neuroscience

, Spencer Irvine

Pre-K education has been a large part of the Obama administration’s educational efforts, but does it have a lasting effect? Jack Shonkoff, a Harvard University professor in public health, made the case that early education…

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