Recent Articles

Public College Plutocrats

, Malcolm A. Kline

When Hillary Clinton, President Obama and other progressives rail against “the fortunate,” “the haves,” and “the lucky,” don’t expect them to rail against public college presidents, no matter how much they richly, every pun intended,…

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Study Marxism to Understand Hillary Clinton

, Cliff Kincaid

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s speech that launched his presidential campaign on Monday noted that Hillary Clinton’s “progressive agenda” includes the admonition that traditional religious beliefs “have to be changed.” Mrs. Clinton’s entire quote, in…

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Dissent leads to Descent of Abortion

, Tony Perkins

Liberals have done everything they can to make abortion more appealing. They’ve added spa robes and hot tea. They made it available on Skype, by carry-out, through pills. They’ve recruited celebrities to gush that its…

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No Safe Space for Conservatives!

, Malcolm A. Kline

We are truly in an age where who you know is more important than what you know. “The feminist scholars are academically weak but politically well-connected,” Christina Hoff Sommers, who maintains the Factual Feminist blog,…

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Media Downplays Youth Unemployment

, Malcolm A. Kline

Recent college graduates contemplating their post-graduation job prospects might find that the media are as inaccurate a source of information as their university career services department is. The Washington Post reported on June 5, 2015…

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Scott Walker Strikes Again and Again

, Malcolm A. Kline

Like dentists, government officials know they’ve hit a raw nerve when cavities respond. “Bad news always seems to drop on Fridays,” Dave Vanness, an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, wrote on a…

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Witch Hunt for Conservatives

, Malcolm A. Kline

If liberals had to endure what conservatives do on campus, or off of it, they would be screaming “witch hunt” so loudly you would think that we were all back in Salem. Susan Dench, founder…

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Magna Carta 2.0

, Malcolm A. Kline

Here might be a workable way to look at academia: That which academics dismiss is probably worth exploring. “There is quite a list of academics who question the importance of the Magna Carta,” University of…

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Recent Articles

Artless in Academia

, Malcolm A. Kline

The ancient Marxists and modern art academicians have at least one thing in common: For both of them “art is a weapon.” Unfortunately, for neither of them, who seem to overlap, has it been a particular talent.

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The STEM Glut

, Malcolm A. Kline

An increasing number of insiders say, contrary to the multitude of studies and seminars we’ve slogged through, that there is not a shortage of Science Technology and Engineering Majors (STEM) but a glut.

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