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Antidote to Apathy

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Are students interested in politics, can they become passionate about such topics causing civic involvement, and how should educators encourage such activity? From the 2005 Modern Language Association Convention held in Washington, D.C.

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Bernard Goldberg Rates Bottom 100

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These America bashers, many of them now middle-aged, are part of the mainstream culture – “in the top ranks of the nation’s intelligentsia and cultural elite – professors at leading universities,” where they have the power, 24/7, to mold our country’s most precious assets – the next generation of leaders.

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CINO Again

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One would think that the College of the Holy Cross (HC) would actually have one of the religious artifacts on display but the only one we could find on the web site was attached to an “o” that is the symbol of the women’s studies program at the Worcester, Mass. School, and of the feminist movement itself.

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